Weekly Conference Calls
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We will be starting our Hemp Conference Calls again this year. With all the ongoing changes in Industrial Hemp it is critical we all stay on the same page and have a way to communicate with each other.
These calls are FREE and can be listened to later as well. We will be discussing important topics and highlighting as many hemp business as possible. Please contact us if you would like to be one of our Hemp Sponsors and or a featured hemp business - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: 720.401.5609
Dial-in Number: 720.820.1258
Every Wednesday at 2:00 pm (MST)
Check the Hemp Events Schedule/Calendar for dates, times and topics. http://growhempcolorado.com/index.php/hemp-events
1.18.19 - Emergency Hemp Call - Discussion on the recent arrest in Oklahoma of 4 individuals who were hired to transport 18,000lb of Industrial Hemp from KY to Colorado. The owner and two of the 4 men arrested and charged with Patriot Shield joined us on the call. Goal to raise $8k for bond to get the 2 truck drivers out of jail who have been there for 9 days (as of today). This is a major concern for all of us in the Industry and there will be more updates on this soon.
or you can also listen here - https://fccdl.in/KSSnd0DWyD
12.26.18 Call - Discussion on the FDA press release, CBD and compliance, we also talked about NY CBD rules and regs as well as Facebook deleting CBD pages with out notice.
or you can also listen here - https://fccdl.in/KSSnd0DWyD
Please note: The Colorado Hemp Foods Policy was mentioned during the call today - this was a policy that our state adopted before we passed the 2018 Hemp Foods Bill. CLICK HERE
12.12.18 Call - Discussion about Colorado Amendment X and the 2018 Federal Farm Bill
or use this alt link - https://fccdl.in/SYRC6cNs5c
Very brief discussion about Colorado Amendment X with a more extensive discussion about the 2018 Farm Bill (which was passing the House as we were on this call). We address a number of topics and questions about what the Farm Bill means for hemp. Please note that we will be having more Free Hemp Conference call over the next many months as this situation evolves.
Join us on the call this Friday 6.19.15 with The Great Alex White Plume. Hear from him why he still is being prevented from growinghemp on sovereign land. Learn what has happened, what is currently happening with the DOJ and what is hope to happen. He is a true Hemp Hero and is a huge part of our Hemp History past, present and future. It is an honor to have him as a guest so please join us and share this event with your friend. Thank you
Learn more about his story HERE
Read about the recent DOJ decision HERE
Friday June 12 2015 @ 11am - 12pm (MTS) - Duane Sinning w/ IH Program Director with the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Discussion on new hemp rules and regulations - SB-196 providing further protection for hemp farmers - seed certification/ testing and more. New applications - planting and harvest report requirements and much more.
Wednesday March 12 @ 6pm - 7pm (MTS) - (First Half)Samantha Walsh/Clean Up Bill & (Second Half) Paul Lembeck/Sativa Labs/Hemp Testing
Friday March 7 2014 @ 11am - 12pm (MTS) - Congressman Polis Office
Friday March 21 2014 @ 11am - 12 pm (MST) HempIScream (Aqua Das: Seeds- Processing and more) & Hemp Farming Sponsorship opp. with Chelsea Green PublishingWednesday March 26 2014 6pm - 7pm (MST) Jason Lauve with Team Hemp House and well know cannabis advocate. We will discuss seed importation- clear up common misconceptions- hemp projects and more in Colorado. The Second half of our call will be with host of the NoCo Hemp Expo
4.4.14 Hemp Conference Call with Boulder County DA - Stan Garnett and Jason Lauve with updates
5.21.14 - Larisa Bolivar to talk about the worlds first Cannabis Consumers Union and how this effect hemp farmers- products and consumers. Dr. Erik Hunter - to discuss the hemp seed planting party this Sunday in Brighton. Jason Lauve - to talk about his trip to KY and updates with the hemp activities there.
5.30.14 - Fridays special guests are Laura Pottorff M.S. Program Manager of Hemp with the Colorado State Agriculture Department with up dates about applications-new developments- the clean up bill and much more. Second quest: Ben Holmes with Centennial Seed. He make hemp science super cool. He is also believed to have the worlds highest CBD strain and is part of the CU Cannabis Genome Project. This is the man to ask your questions to about all things Cannabis.
Hemp & CBD in Alaska 2.15.17 - Free Hemp Conference Call