South Carolina Legalizes Industrial Hemp Cultivation -- Hemp, Inc. Reports
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Posted on Saturday, 03 June 2017
SPRING HOPE, NC--(Marketwired - May 24, 2017) - Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) is pleased to announce South Carolina farmers can apply for licenses to grow hemp now that South Carolina has legalized industrial hemp cultivation. Gov. Henry McMaster signed off on the bill earlier this month. State Senator Greg Hembree said, in an article, "Any agricultural crop we can cultivate here and make a profit for our farmers, we should try." According to the news source, the licenses in South Carolina will be "issued to growers who have passed a State Law Enforcement Division background check. The growers also have to work with an in-state research university to develop products and a market for them. And they must have a contracted buyer for the hemp."
Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) commented, "Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility is right in North Carolina so we are ecstatic that South Carolina has joined the other states that have legalized industrial hemp within their borders. As a leader in the hemp industry, Hemp, Inc. will gladly contract with South Carolina farmers to buy most, if not all, of the hemp grown. This creates a win-win for both Hemp, Inc. and the farmers. Partnering, or joint venturing, with South Carolina's farmers is a sound business strategy that benefits both parties."
The South Carolina Department of Agriculture and the State Law Enforcement Division expects to issue 20 licenses to grow crops on up to 20 acres as a pilot program to ascertain its value to the state's farmers. Since hemp is relatively easy to cultivate and can be a very lucrative crop, officials believe this will prove to be very beneficial for the state. In fact, after the first year, the program would expand from 20 licenses to 50 licenses for 50 acres each. After that, the Agriculture Department and the state's research universities would make a determination whether the program would be expanded further.
"We have a lot of experience with farmers here in North Carolina. Many farmers believe 'hemp' is the new 'cash cow'. It's an easy crop to cultivate. It doesn't need that much water and it grows in all soil types. Not to mention, hemp can be used to make over 25,000 products, from food and clothing to car composites and airplane parts and even dietary supplements," said Perlowin.
State Sen. Danny Verdin, chairman of the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, said, "As growers come aboard and products are developed, the industry has a chance to both add to a farmer's bottom line and perhaps breathe life into some of South Carolina's abandoned textile mills. I believe there is a demonstrated marketplace globally. This very slow and heavy regulated approach will quickly evolve into a valuable industry. Imagine if we could actually make textiles in our textile mills again."
Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square-foot multi-purpose industrial hemp decortication facility, in Spring Hope, North Carolina, is just about fully operational. It will be the largest hemp processing plant of its kind in the western hemisphere. "Our type of commercial facility is an essential part of industrial/processing infrastructure necessary for the emerging, large scale industrial hemp industry in America. Now that we have that in place, we are focusing on building the farming infrastructure all over America," said Perlowin. The company has also created the educational infrastructure for the hemp industry with The Hemp University. The educational symposiums so far have all sold out and based on attendee feedback, the quality of information presented on how to farm hemp for profit has been unsurpassed and valuable.
The Hemp University has been established to be the blueprint for farming, navigating and thriving in the industrial hemp revolution. With the goal to educate its attendees on key topics such as transitioning from traditional farming to organic farming, different hemp cultivar strains, how and where to get certified seeds, planting and harvesting industrial hemp, an in depth history of hemp and its many uses, agronomy, permaculture, ecological advantages and many more courses with an ever expanding curriculum. Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) has secured an outstanding lineup of experts from at least a dozen states all over the country, including New York, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Nevada, Colorado, Oregon, Kentucky, Illinois and more for the 2017 season.
Classes will also cover such topics as organic certification, potential licensing fees, what's happening with industrial hemp in different states around America, high CBD strains and different CBD extraction technologies (which will also be installed and showcased at Hemp, Inc.'s processing facility) and marketability of the crop. The seminars started in March, this year, with the 3rd one scheduled for June 24, 2017.
Hemp retail products from all around the country will be showcased at The Hemp University. Attendees will also be able to connect with potential industrial hemp distributors and product manufacturers. Our new "Hemp Hub" will be a one stop shop for every aspect of industrial hemp from seed and soil to sale. Providing as many resources as possible to our American farmers and land owners to successfully grow hemp and have sales channels for the potential 25,000 products our hemp industry can produce.
For those interested in attending, teaching, touring the hemp field and hemp processing facility or showcasing your company's hemp products, at The Hemp University, visit With only 30 days left and 50 slots available for land owners and farmers, it's advisable to purchase your ticket(s) today at
Aligned with Hemp, Inc.'s Triple Bottom Line approach, CEO Bruce Perlowin is exploring the possibilities of developing "Hemp Growing, CBD Producing Veteran Village Kins Communities" in North Carolina, Florida, Kentucky and several other states similar to the 500-acre demonstration community being built in Arizona. He currently has 4,500 acres (and counting) of land north of Kingman, Arizona where he's building a Veteran Village on 500 of those acres that would consist of 160 lots of 2 1/2 acre parcels for Kins Domains (eco-villages). Each parcel would grow 1 acre of hemp as well as having organic gardens, natural beehives, a pond, a living fence and other elements that make up a Kins Domain.
An additional 100 acres of hemp will be grown in each one of these 500-acre communities which will also include a 100,000 square-foot hemp (CBD) processing facility. The revenue from fifty of those acres is used to support that community. The revenue from the other fifty acres of hemp will be used to purchase 2 additional 500-acre parcels of land, thus keeping up with the needs of a large number of veterans that exist now and in the future.
The eco-friendly "Veteran Village Kins Communities" were inspired by the book series, The Ringing Cedars of Russia ( Perlowin has since found a way to incorporate it into Hemp, Inc.'s strategy of building hemp growing, CBD-producing "communities" or "villages." The first part of these "Veteran Village Kins Communities" is a "holistic healing and learning center" whose function in each community is obvious by the title. The prototype Veteran Village Kins Community in Arizona is expected to be completed by mid to late 2017.
Perlowin has been personally creating the Arizona "Veteran Village Kins Community" since 2013 as a solution to America's multifaceted veteran problem. To date, forty-four percent of America's homeless are veterans. Twelve percent of that group are combat woman veterans with children. Twenty-two veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY. Two million veterans are on food stamps. As for the future, 238,000 veterans are leaving the armed services every year, according to Dannion Brinkley, Chairman of the Twilight Brigrade.
From rehabilitation to job creation, Perlowin says this model presents a comprehensive holistic solution to those individuals that all Americans owe a great debt of gratitude towards... the American veterans. Perlowin expects this model to produce very lucrative revenue for Hemp, Inc., the veterans themselves and the local communities these Kins Communities are built near. "The infrastructure for 'The Hemp Growing, CBD-Producing, Veteran-Village Kins Community,' which takes time to build, is already in place in Arizona. I've been building this infrastructure since 2013 and it can be duplicated for any state," says Perlowin.