Att: National Hemp Association Members
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Posted on Thursday, 19 July 2018
Dear NHA Member,
As you are all aware, Mitch McConnell recently made amendments in the Senate Farm Bill in the hemp language. One of those amendments is completely discriminatory and unacceptable. The NHA director was directly involved in writing this language which prevents a specific group of people from participating and benefiting from “de-scheduled” hemp.
As a member of NHA being represented by Geoff Whaling, who is a Canadian, it is important to clarify what your company position is on this issue.
This is official request for your company's position on whether it supports the bans of drug felons from hemp in the Senate Farm Bill yet allows rapists and murderers to engage. Drug felons in most states are people in possession of less than one ounce of marijuana.
If you are not in support, we ask that you contact NHA directly and demand removal of this amendment and that discrimination at any level will not be tolerated in the Hemp industry.
If NHA does not make effort to remove and continues to justify these actions, we will be calling for a nationwide boycott and withdrawal of membership.
Here are a few links to read regarding this issue and one of them includes the recent quotes from NHA director.
Thank you for your time and attention on this very important hemp issue.
Veronica Carpio
Hemp Farmer & Founder of
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Mitch McConnell 2018 Farm Bill Amendment