Hemp Policy Work Group:

The Colorado Hemp Policy Work Group is a newly created industry working group to collaboratively participate and address many ongoing issues and developments in our Colorado Hemp Industry, specifically pertaining to our Hemp Foods & Manufacturing Program and CDPHE Hemp Certified Labs. 

The CHPWG is not recognized as an “official” cannabis related working group at this time, but regulators are open to participating as much as possible and has always been and continues to be open to suggestions by this group regarding rule making and legislative needs. Ultimately it will be exclusively up to CDPHE to act on or not act on recommendations by this group. In 2022, there will be legislative efforts made to address budget needs for CDPHE to be Co-Host of the CHPWG and make this work group “official”. 

Our industry work group will be made up of a diverse group if hemp experts,retail, hemp manufactures, scientists, academics, businesses, policy representatives, stakeholders and other industry related parties. There is no restriction on out of state participation, which is encouraged.

The purpose of the work group is to share information and collaborate on hemp manufacturing, cannabinoids, products, testing, science, and policy issues, which will result in both rule making recommendations and legislative actions.  The work group meets on a bimonthly basis or as often as needed.


Please CLICK HERE to see meeting schedules and meeting agendas - Kick off meeting is scheduled for 8/18/2021 @ 1:00pm MST


Current Work Group Leadership:

Co-Chairs: No official Co-Chairs at this time from CDPHE, MED or CDA

Subcommittees & Chairs: 

Initially we will begin with one subcommittee to address D8, D10 and other cannabinoids that are being extracted or converted from Hemp raw material, extraction, isolates, waste, etc. We will discuss the definitions, processes, issues, concerns, data, CDPHE memo, rules, recommendations for path forward with rules and legislation needs. Click


Here to view out Kick Off Meeting Agenda - 8/18/2021 @ 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST


Host: Veronica Carpio – Grow Hemp Colorado

Co Host: will vary and will be post on the agenda for each meeting or announced before each meeting begins.  

All meetings will be recorded and uploaded to a shared google drive all members will have access along with other documents and folders related to this working group. 


Interested in Participating?

If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form. Please be ready to provide:

  • Name
  • Contact Information (including email address* and phone number)
  • Occupation, job title, employer, and/or organization or represented group 

*In order to join the Google Group, you MUST have a Gmail address.

Questions: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.