What's New!
Who Has Jurisdiction & Regulatory Authority over Hemp in Colorado?
Who Has Jurisdiction & Regulatory Authority over Hemp in Colorado? Plus overview of non hemp testing and non compliant hemp. Created and copyrighted by GHC and Veronica Carpio
Hemp Stakeholder Workgroups
We are happy to announce our new Hemp Stakeholders Workgroups - some which are specific to GHC Members only and other that are open to the public, not limited to only Colorado Participants. If you ar ...
Hemp Foods Q & A
HEMP FOODS Q&A What is the definition of a hemp product? A hemp product is a finished product containing hemp that: is a cosmetic, food, food additive, or herb; for human use or consumption; contains ...
Hemp Foods/Compliance
Since the passing of the Colorado Hemp Foods bill, there has been over 200 companies which have registered with the CDPHE and many more time come. There are also alot of questions, some of which ther ...
What's New!
Poll - New Hemp Foods Rules/Regulations
Please take a few quick minutes and vote on the following questions below. This is a new and very important poll which most likely impacts your hemp business directly or indirectly. There will be rul ...