NEED TO AD VIDEO - 10.28.16 - Industrial Hemp Stake Holders Meeting
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10.28.16 - Industrial Hemp Stake Holders Meeting
1. all parts of the Industrial Hemp plant including but not limited to all naturally occurring cannabinoids compounds and derivatives to be treated as non adulterated and approved for human consumption or use. In short we want the cdphe to retract to their original position and treat hemp the same as corn and carrots
2. Pass bill with the support of the entire Colorado Industrial Hemp industry behind it.
3. Raise $80,000 to pay for the four lobbyists who will be working to pass this bill successfully. Consider any contributions a business investment because if this bill does not pass we will no longer have access to the use of parts of our plants, loss of enormous amounts of potential Revenue as well as massive loss in job creation.
4. Multi-state action. other states can adopt or use similar language to alter their Food and Drugs Act in their state regarding Industrial Hemp food products and naturally occurring cannabinoids in hemp products to be protected against Federal intervention, limitations and prevention of usage other than through pharmaceutical access.
Please note that this Colorado Hemp Foods bill is only addressing cdphe and existing statue and not necessarily CDA or additions to our Industrial Hemp program as it stands currently with the exception of any livestock feed or animal foods which may fall under CDA jurisdiction