Hemp Foods Issue TimeLine 2017
Please see the below events, document and or actions regarding the critical Hemp Foods Issue we are both experiencing and addressing here in Colorado. A copy of the most recent draft of the "Hemp Foods Bill" is below for review, comment, questions and other. it is important to keep in mind that this is not the finial draft and there is a number of section crossed out. New Updates will be posted here and/or on the 80K Goal Page.
It is critical that WE the Colorado Hemp Industry stand behind and in support of this bill. Our battle will be with CDPHE and it will require all efforts to protect all parts of the hemp plants, including but not limited to all naturally occurring cannabinoids, compounds and derivatives, as legal, non adulterated ingredients for human consumption and use. Dont hesitate to send comments via email, log in and post comments here or call/text 720.401.5609 to discuss more.
Lastly, we ask that if you are in another state, please consider also having the same or similar bill this Session, which amends your State Pure Food and Drugs Law. It is very possible Industrial Hemp will not be able to benefit from our cannabinoid bi-products from our crops, especially if we don't pass this bill.
Please note that GHC recently change the original format of the Hemp Foods Timeline.
7.19.16 Meeting with NHA lobbyist Samantha Walsh, Attorney Robert Hoban, CDPHE, CDA and Governors Office
7.24.16 Meeting with NHA lobbyist Samnatha Walsh, Attorney Robert Hoban, CDPHE, CDA and Governors Office Discussion of issue of change of police and new position discussed. Both NHA and Robert Hoban ...
On June 28,2016 "Denial" letter from CDPHE to Floras Bake Shop.
On June 28,2016 GHC was forwarded the "Denial" letter from CDPHE to Floras Bake Shop regarding the submitted & paid for Wholesale /Manufacturing License.
6.21.16 - CDPHE “Retraction Email”
6.21.16 - CDPHE “retraction email” sent to multiple parties (GHC was forwarded from multiple parties CC’d) with new/vague statement regarding hemp. This email was sent by the LAP Division (via the Ma ...
6.12.16 - Notice of Issue with CDPHE by Floras Bake Shop
GHC contact by Floras Bake Shop regarding issues with CDPHE and Wholesale/Manufacture LicenseGHC contact with Laura VanWagenen-Birdsill (303.692.3649) with CDPHE – Wholesale/Manufacture Division"...N ...
Response by CDPHE 10.9.15
At the end of September 2015, a detailed letter by GHC with very specific questions was submitted for official response. 10.9.15 Response from CDPHE was provided. 1. Can hemp plant extraction be done ...
Original CDPHE position on Hemp Concentrates/Extracts and Hemp Foods.
Original CDPHE position on Hemp Concentrates/Extracts and Hemp Foods. GHC Hemp Food/Concentrate Questions to State Health Department - September/October 2015 On or around the end of September 2015, a ...