Hemp Testing
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oking for options to Test your Hemp materials?
Below are options for Hemp Registrants to test, please read more below to decide which is the best option for you. Please check back for more updates.
Private Labs: Industrial Hemp raw or finished materials can be tested at any private lab.
Pros: Drop off same day to test
Cons: Results can be all over board and ultimately inaccurate. Not all the same protocols are used at these labs which can be major issue when getting a accurate results. Some of the private testers are your competitors.
State Approved MJ Labs (MED): Thanks to SB-196 passing, Hemp Registrants can now get their Industrial Hemp tested at MJ State Approved Labs.
Pros: More accurate and reliable test results. Great option for those who looking for a lot of testing to stabilize there genetics. Convenient, online training from home. Voluntary. Other options beyond cannabiniod level testing such as pesticides, residual solvents etc.
Cons: Must use the METRC system, $250 yearly fee, user training required, can not test the same day, must order and use RFID tags. Labs are regulated by MED (Marijuana Enforcement Division) there for they could stop allowing hemp testing at any time.
Training Calendar or see below: http://www.metrc.com/#!metrc-training/ckun
Contact METRC for training schedule:
Phone: 877-566-6506
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
GHC/COOP Option: for seasonal testing and smaller batches for those who cant afford the yearly METRC fee. This option is available. Testing Coop Members can use GHC Tags. A yearly membership fee is required ($250) and includes 20 tags, additional tags are .25 cents each. Your info will be entered into GHC's master user account in METRC and will be responsible for picking up tag from GHC or participating coop, dropping off and paying fee to lab directly. NO Guarantee or REFUNDS at any time for any reason.
If you would like to utilize the GHC Hemp Testing Coop options please call/text 720.401.5609 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- CLICK HERE, a new menu of items will pop up, scroll through till you see GHC Small Biz Membership (please note that the Small Biz Member benefits dont apply to GHC Testing Coop Members),add to cart and check out with Credit Card or Bitcoin (we favor bitcoin).
- Sample Submissions: Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.the night before or early morning of sample drop off or pick up. Please include the following information in your email - Item Name, Weight of sample(s) being submitted, what kind of sample it is (flower, oil, etc), type of test(s) wanted and which lab being used.
The First Hemp RFID tags were issues and used for GHC and the 2nd Industrial Hemp Awards & Festival March 5 & 6, 2016. The first tests using the RFID tags and METRC were done by RM3 Labs in Boulder, CO for the entries in the Hemp Product/Cannabinoid Competition. See the results below.